Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Challenge Day 30/30

THE RUN/THE INVITE/THE CHALLENGE: okay so just in time end this blog! Wow I'm super glad to have been apart if this!! Even though I didn't post as much towards the end...(because some days I felt like there wasn't much to say). I did meet my challenge staying active running and working out for thirty days! Also inviting well over thirty people to momentum! Being apart of this really helped clear things out in my walk with God and today Pradeepan preached on obedience which I had done my devotions on and was stirred up more by Gods word! God is the same yesterday today and forever! I can choose to fail in life with choices that are against Gods will. And I know that I am led by the Holy spirit and if I am in wrong I hope to to turn right away! But in my obedience there is such an overflow of blessings that I cannot fathom! I know God keeps his promises! It feels great to have accomplished this and next year look forward to something new and challenging! I'm tasking this challenge with me from here in out! I want to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle :). I also know that being able to reach out to lost souls is something I love to do! Being personable and be a living testimony. They may or may not come to momentum college group but I'm glad to have steppe out of my bubble in evangelizing! Rock on bloggers!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Challenge Day 25/30

THE RUN: so the rumor is doing something for 30 days in a row gets your body and brain set on kind of self motivation mode to keep something steady going. At least my sources say! I believe it... I feel like my body is a bit more stronger to stay active as I get it used to strength and cardio not like back in high school but I hope to get back into shape. My body can only handle so much right now since its been like 4 years without running or working out!! I realize how much that makes it more difficult now but so glad I have been sticking with it! Some days are harder than others but I'm taking day by day. God gives me strength!

THE INVITE: I want you all know that this has been amazing teaming up with people and really just stepping out of my comfort zone especially at school. For those of you who haven't read my blog, I've joined my college group momentum regional leaders and really challenged myself to the vision and grow momentum! Dream big! My God is bigger than anything and I believe His sovereign grace will help me to reach the lost! It has been the motto and I have been praying for favor and Gods grace to be with me every time I pass out flyers! I've reached myg oal from beig at school to walking downtown Milford, and hanging out at the mall for a couple of hours! That doesn't mean I'll stop! I'm super motivated to really keep doing this evangelism! I'm so blessed to serve under some passionate leaders and be accountable to my friends and peers of regional leaders! Today I made my mark at my school. What's even more funny and rebellious is that while I was tagging our college sidewalk with chalk no biggie right? My schools dean drove right passed me I saw her stop in her truck I turned around and waved hi! Just so you know our school is a bit strict on these things but I think its worth the risk! Had a few students ask me about this and took the opportunity! God is so amazing!!

THE CHALLENGE: Saying yes to the will of God! Sometimes I get in a rut and don't know if I'm doing what God has poured in my heart or just me? But I know as long as I'm digging in the word and praying! God knows all my desires He knows my heart. I felt like today the devil tried to instill fear and nervousness tagging the sidewalk and I was like okay God give me favor today! I kept hesitating at first to do it. And FYI this area where I tagged this is where teachers and students take their smoke breaks so lots of traffic! Hahaha! I've been on flyer mode and passing them out like pennies but I believe God has challenged me to really be more personable with students at my school. Someone at my regional leaders meeting aka Andrew Jennings said some people are just so desperate for something more and we have that answer! I added more on the individual on my heart. To be able to relate to someone who is afraid to say it! I'm praying for opportunity there! Yes I want to grow momentum. But building a relationship with friends at school so they know I'm there is important. Plus to let them know there are some great people at momentum! I'm so blessed and I want to bless others this way!! P.U.S.H Pray Untill Something Happens!! I read that in my tweets thats so true pray continually! Verse we memorized together at momentum! Haha but I love this God is so big and I dont want to limit Him! I know without a shadow of a doubt in my heart God will make Himself known even in my failure! When im nervous and shy or awkward... But as long as Isay Yes Lord Your will be done! He will show up! I love you Jesus!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Challenge Day 15/30

THE RUN:wow we are half way there! Sorry I've been MIA during the last week. I was really focused on my college finals I drained mysef out from social media altogether. I'm back strong. I figured it wouldn't be such a missed blog haha... Itself I've been working out strong everyday and I feel like my body just wants to rest everyday now idk if that because I'm not used to all this training or just being lazy hahaha! But I changed up my routine and worked out this morning. And it felt great! Although getting closer to the end of the day I feel like I need a nap but I'm on sprig break and I want to catch up on a few different projects. I'm excited for this week although I feel it may go by too fast it will be a much needed break! I'm doubling up tonight I will be working out before bed time too hope it goes well.

THE INVITE: So tomorrow is our Denim night at momentum college group in highland, MI at cornerstone church. We also had a double up challenge! I'm really excited to see new faces! Today I went it to the Twelve oaks mall in Novinand passed out some flyers with Jessica Kerr! We busted out quite a few invites! I'm praying and believing there will be fruit to show up. It can be hard to just randomly go up to people in a large public place. I got rejected a couple of times but for the most part people said thank you!

THE CHALLENGE: God wants nothing less than all of us! For me personally that is losing lots of sleep. I don't mind it I'm still young! Haha but honoring God calls for sacrifice! I was reading over about Abrahma and how he was going to sacrafice the son God promised him Issac. He was going to do it and that is so amazing! We may be ordinary people but what are we doing to honor Him and his kingdom?? This saying has just been burning in me this last week God deserves nothing less than all of me! Why because He has already made the biggest sacrafice for love giving his one and only son! Laziness and busyness of life can keep us form giving our all butbive really been hearig from god and he's out my heart in check. Am I truly giving my all or just leaving it to someone else. I don't want to miss out on any opportunity. He is strong in all my weaknesses. He uses hose moments in life to really make Himself known that he is God!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Challenge Day 8/30

THE RUN: Wow one week strong everyone! Yay! I'm super pumped. So after last nights rock climbing I'm mega sore today! So I went on about three walks... Enjoyed the sun and took some photos too! I needed to give my body a rest. Plus my left leg has got some major bruising from rock climbing! Means I gave it my all! Haha... I call them victory bruises. My friend Brian from class said "yup Nancy thats whatbistblike to be in a sport." I laughed but I still got my walk on today yeah!! Tomorrow will be hardcore! ;)

THE INVITE: I'm really looking forward to tomorrow I'll be at my college group called momentum and excited to bring some new faces! Its bitter sweet moment for me. My roommates who I have lived with over a year are moving! We've become good friends and learned to put up with each other. I was just thinking how I miss bringing them. And now they are going to be gone. My sisters for life! But looking forward to this new chapter ing Gods plan for me.

THE CHALLENGE: honestly guys and gals I coluld have stayed in bed all day! Eeven in the last week of my finals and this beautiful weather. I could have chosen to be a lazy bum and lounge around all day and accomplish nothing! But I thank God every morning for His strength! I could have said yes to my flesh but instead I chose to move. How many times have I heard God but never listening. I define listening as following through in obedience with Gods word. It's great to hear from God but are we following through? Whether it may be needing to wait or move. Because God can say wait and we move or God says move and we won't budge. Are we willing to compromise Gods amazing perfect plan in our lives?? I know I don't want to? I read in my devos today "How tragic to hear the call of God and obey it only partially! Compromise is the saddest place in the world to live". So challenge yourselves are we listening to God and letting him take the wheel? Or are we driven by emotions to take our own wheel?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Challenge Day 7/30

THE RUN: Moving forward is kind of the reason I title this the run. Because for me it's staying active to keep my body in healthy condition. So today was amazing! I rested on the actual runnin part but info rock climbing each Sunday I can and it's amazing challenge. I pushed myself today and did go past my routes I get stuck on. I've focused mainly in bouldering. There are great friends and new people each week! And they are very motivating, challenging and encouraging. I look forward to each week. Oh and btw Racahel Kelley we missed you!! Promise in two weeks you need to come! Next week it's cancelled.

THE INVITE: OH MY GOODNESS God is so faithful!! So total of 15 people I've invited to momentum!! I'm half way to my goal and what's even more surprising many of them will at least come and check it out!! Thanks to Jessica Kerr who invited me along to walk downtown Milford, she brought flyers and I got to invite the college young adult looking people!! We caught all sorts of people today! I helped walk her dogs with her friend Sue and grand daughter who got baptized today Diata-Mae ( I don't think I spelled the first part right :/) well it was a blast. Some more good new praise God. My roommate who is still fairly new will join me as well Jennifer and she's bringing a friend as well!! Wow so excited to see God move in the hearts of these college as and young adults!! Praying big for momentum!!

THE CHALLENGE:  let me tell you I was so filled with Hannah Oullette preaching today at cornerstone church of highland. God was speaking through her! Powerful message Hannah! Jesus is speaking! That was the title of her message. God confirmed some cool stuff in my heart, knowing His voice but to be able to listen and be obedient, God will move in powerful ways. "a religious heart may know the word of God but those who have a real relationship with God, they know what He is saying!" so powerful. A couple weeks back I remember her speaking on how we find ourselves in the same place we were a year ago or years. These sins or things holding us back from moving forward in Gods plans. But if we just listen and seek and press in oh when we hear our fathers voice He will help us through the valley! He's rooting for His children to have victory! I'm so excited to be apart of a bigger move at Cornerstone Church in Higland! God is so amazing! I know my Gkdbis bigger than anything or anyone! Thanks Daddy aka God!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Challenge Day 6/30

THE RUN: so this morning I posted yesterday's and now that it he day is almost over I got myrin for the day! I ran 5 miles again today in 30 minutes. I found today was a bit easier to keep a steady pace. I also did some strength and cardio a few hours before which kicked my butt! Still telling it. Hahaha. It feels very good to run and burn of calories. I find running to be a great stres reliever. Don't forget to stretch before and after its very important!!

THE INVITE: What can I say? Today didn't go so well in the social world of Nancy. I went to work most of the day. I kept myself busy with finals coming up and all this financial aid renewal for school yuck! Paper work. I didn't get out much at all. Sorry :/ I know there will be opportunities I just need to keep looking!

THE CHALLENGE:  Yaweh. He stays the same and will never change. He is forever and will always remain! Sometimes I put God in this little box in my mind. Like there is nothing more to Him. I've heard it said many times God is only as big as we make Him and that is in our relationship with Him, through the word, prayer, fasting... I forget that. I let worries get the best of me. And it's terrible to say but sometimes I doubt the plans He has. But how can I? When I let fear in and when I forget to pray. The devil knows my weakness and tries to scare me that I'm making wrong choices. But I know the word is in my heart and as long as I keep entering in and listening for God the Holy spirit will not lead me astray. God is One and Only. Today I thank God for always reminding me He is always the same God now and forever! That He is God of my heart! Love you Father!

Challenge Day 5/30

THE RUN: So the day before yesterday I posted that I was about to run and I did for half an hour and I ran 5 miles so I have a new best! I really push myself to go as far as I can go.  I've also been doing strength and cardio before I run.  So this is yesterday's post and I got really preoccupied with school I didn't have time to get on a computer.  Last night I did more strength and cardio. I use Jillian Michaels DVD so I missed my run but I am staying active!  I know it's working since I'm sore everyday...hahaha...

THE INVITE:  So no one new came in my path, but I had an awesome opportunity to speak with Brooke again. She needed a ride and I was there at the right time.  I got to talking with her a bit more getting to know her more, a bit about her background.  We had a few things in common, although she may be only 18 we got along great.  I am praying for her to come out next Tuesday!

THE CHALLENGE: Had a visit from my parents last night.  It was great :D ... I being irresponsible, had left my school's camera at the parents. (given I had arrived to my parents at 4 am... I was a bit tired haha driving from Chicago).  I rested, but had to be back for class. They were still in California.  My younger brother had no way of getting it to me. (Just to let you know it was due this past Tuesday).  I kept extending the date without them knowing it wasn't physically with me! (God's grace!).  I felt terrible my mom had told me while I was in Cali to leave it to her so she can take more pictures. (I had told her that I planned to check an extra camera out for her).  Well the camera was just sitting there, while my mom could have taken more pictures on the trip for three more days.  Well they came and I just thought "Oh, the things they due for their own kids, they drove 3 hours! Just to drop off my camera.  They had every reason to not come. (my mom didn't want to risk mailing it and getting broken then I'd be in a huge problem). Well we caught up and even though it was late and a really short visit it was great. I love my parents so much!  I thought okay my parents are willing to sacrifice sleep to just bring one silly thing to me because I simply forgot to repack it.  1) I should have listened to my mom.  Right now I'm in a place where I'm waiting on God. He knows His perfect will.  I want to so bad, to do it my way but then I look at a situation like the one that just happened.  My parents had a plan, I didn't listen then I had to jump through hoops to make it right.  But in the end they did that for me! I honor my parents by being obedient. Sometimes the little things don't phase me, but they count.  So in this place I'm in now, I know God has a plan and I need to be patient.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Challenge Day 4/30

THE RUN: I worked out for thirty minutes before this post did some major strength and cardio with Jillian Michael's DVD.  Then I had one of my roommates rice crispy treat she made last night! (hahah!) Well to make up for it I'm still going running as soon as I'm done with this post and doing some homework for my finals coming up this week yikes!! Hahaha jk... I'm ready for my week break. Happy running everyone! I am going to run for 30 minutes as usual, I promise I'll give it my all, maybe I'll post a yucky sweaty pic or video, so you know I'm not joking hahahaha! (idk maybe not).

THE INVITE:  So remember last night I said I was going to talk to students at student housing last night?  Well I did! I have great news!  I am the R.A. (resident assistant for housing).  Being a leader comes with it's perks and CHALLENGES. Well each night I have to go around an make sure students aren't causing any trouble, but also to socialize and make sure everything is going well with them personally and the apartment they live in.  I make a couple stops each night to different apartments, that means knocking on the door and hanging out.  Well as the night ended one of the guys named Gary came up behind me and was visiting one of the girls apartment I was going to.  Brooke answered the door we walked in. So long story short.  While Brooke was finishing up job application, Gary and I had a great conversation about life and school... I mentioned my college group and all, and with Easter coming up, I asked about plans.  Brooked gave me an invitation to her church (which I didn't know she went) :D  Well I asked them both to join me next week, I offered to drive since both would need a ride.  They are both a couple of years younger than me, but they def seem like they like me since they've moved into student housing.  I love that this position allows me to really interact with the students as much as I can with planning events and doing nightly rounds.  There is never a dull moment. Pray that they both don't back out coming next week!! Lord you are faithful!  I'll be going on rounds again tonight...I'm going to round up a few more students to come along next week :D

THE CHALLENGE: Sometimes it can be so easy to just stop and quit what we are doing. Today I felt like that.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with finals coming up, and all the things I'm involved with.  I kept praying a prayer of strength and guidance today... sometimes the devil comes in and just wants to bring me down saying I can't, I'm not strong enough, I'm a loser... and all these ugly things the devil tries to use against me to be negative to just say "you know what, it's too much, I can't do this, I QUIT!!"  But as I went through out my day, God just kept helping me see the positive and confirm His wonderful plans!  I even had a chance to listen to pastor Lucas Forsthoff blog about not being burnt out.  It was a good uplift :D  When working your body to the core and you feel the pain and stress you just want to say "you QUIT" but if you keep pushing through and pressing forward you get a boost of energy to finish strong. Same as walking out a real relationship with God, yes life get's hard an stressful and we feel burdened but, I remember that God is my strength and He will never forsake me! He will never give me more than I can handle.  So as long as I press into Him and seek Him, HE will give me rest! SO COOL!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Challenge Day 3/30

THE RUN: To make today's run a bit more challenging, I did some strength and conditioning with Jillian Micheal's DVD workout before I ran.  I ran a little over 4 miles again! Although today was tough for some reason allergies made it harder to breath.  I kept pushing through and again def relieved the stress of college finals coming up! I think I sweat even more today (yuck haha!) I used a sweat band to help...haha :D 

THE INVITE:  The day isn't over yet as I make my way around college housing tonight I am excited to see if any of the guys and gals will join me next week, especially since I don't have to be there early.  One of the downsides is most people I've asked have not wanted to wait an hour before it actually started.  But every third week I make it a goal to bring someone :D Today I was thinking about approach.  I never really knew how hard it was for me to actually connect with people.  I look back from my teen years and I never felt like I fit in.  I never hung out with "Christian's" at school (only acknowledged them once in a while), but the friends I had, I felt like I never belonged (that's because I didn't HELLO nancy? hahaha...).  I think I'm a very sociable person and that's how God created me, but I am awkward at times! Hahaha...I think it's because I don't always know how to approach others, especially those who don't believe in Christ or not having things in common (it's been easier to make a fool of myself to break the ice overtime).  So throughout this, I really hope to connect or plant seeds in some ways to those students I reach out in housing and at school, even my co-workers.

THE CHALLENGE: On days like today I like to spend time alone.  To be able to clear my mind and get work done.  Honestly when I started to think more and more about this my mind wandered on a rabbit trail and thought "that's just it! I'm not really alone!" Even if I feel like God isn't around, God is still in the midst of it all.  I had a great day even the weather was amazing! (yes I'm human and got frustrated also :/ ) But moving forward in the day I love to know that God is always by my side.  And in the times when it's just me-its Him and me...One of my favorite worship songs by David Crowder Band is "Only You" My worship to Him is having a real relationship with Him! (I learned this a while back).  Everything else is simply an expression of worship.  To know this I take it to heart, God loves me for me, even when I decide to be frustrated with life and people. I need to seek Him...always (Psalms 105:4). I don't mind being alone, but I'm never truly alone.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Challenge Day 2/30

THE RUN: So excited today I ran not jogged...haha... a little over 4 miles!  It's not super far but its a start.  Maybe I'll add up my challenge and try to run over 30 miles?? Dream big. It's the motto for the month!  It felt great, not only is running good for the body and muscles but a great stress reliever.  I think all the sweating (yuck haha) I did really let some toxins out of my body.

THE INVITE:  I am shooting for 30 people even more.  But I honestly will settle for one as long as they get to know the same God I know.  It's a bit tougher than I imagined.  I spoke to one of my invitees today and asked her to join me and bring along her friend.  She came once and liked it, all I can do is keep inviting her. I hope that she makes time to come again.  I will keep posting about people anonymously unless they allow me to post a picture and name, kind of a profile on my blog for them.

THE CHALLENGE:  Getting back at 4am from chicago to my parents and then another 3 hour drive to my apartment.  I was tired but I rested. On the way back home I got caught up in being so busy today. For a moment I let the all  the worries in life bring me down. Sometimes we can get caught up in ourselves checking on our list or agendas and letting all these things distract us.  And sometimes being so self consumed and not listening to God we can miss out on opportunities to shed some light on those who need it most.  I really had time to reflect on a lot and how my routine for work and school and life how hard it can get but I remember that if I can keep running my race and keep my eyes focused on God I know He will provide for me, be my strength and never lead me astray.

Challenge Day 1/30

Okay so off to a not so successful start. I just got home from California visiting my family. The trip was great! I had plenty of time to gather my thoughts. I am super stoked to take on this challenge. I have had a tendency to start something and never quite finish. I guess you could say I was a quitter. But I know I'm not and I don't give up easy so as I venture back to Detroit tmorrow/today haha... I am excited to cease all opportunities ahead! Thanks for supporting me and I'll have stuff up very soon!

<3 Nancy G
Aka nanners